Inner spaces Skyway Mont Blanc Skyway Mont BlancYou have accepted the challenge of climbing the great mountain,right up to where you can see forever.Incomparable scenery just waiting to be discovered, living nature to encounter, a sky for the walking. Skyway Monte...
Inner spaces Snow, ice, granite, quartz crystals Snow, ice, granite, quartz crystals are all part of the DNA that I have inherited from generations of mountains people and alpine guides. One step at the time towards the peak. Joy, enthusiasm, tiredness, the descent...
Inner spaces Wisdom and Presence The mountains are full of wisdom, they have an antique Presence, a Spirit that tells the story of the eras: it’s part of their power. For some it’s easy to access their language, their wisdom, for others they are conglomerations of...
Inner spaces The philosophy of the snowflake When you live in the mountains you spend magical evenings looking at cold water drops that freezing descend in the shape of ice crystals. Sometimes they melt when touching the ground, other times they accumulate changing...